Is your paper data GDPR compliant?

Tax time shredding at home
Tax time shredding at home


Privacy laws changed in May 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became law. This means that businesses need to have appropriate security measures in place to protect any personal data that they hold. Sensitive or confidential paper documents with personal details need to be securely destroyed when they are no longer needed. Simply disposing these types of documents in a bin can put you at a risk of a data breach and the consequences of this can be disastrous.

Personal data means any information that can help identify a person with details including, but not limited to: Names, location details, identification numbers and contact details.

When it comes to data security for paper documents that you no longer need, there is no greater peace of mind than using a shredder to securely destroy them. Fellowes shredders safely destroy paper documents so hard copy data that is no longer required cannot be read or accessed anymore. So, you can Keep it Confidential, always.

Recent research by Fellowes shows that:

Nearly 50% of people in an office don’t use a paper shredder to dispose of confidential documents with personal data.

Over 50% of people see confidential information or personal data left unattended in an office.

Over 55% of people don’t know that compliance with GDPR is everyone’s responsibility.

Here’s why a shredder is an essential tool to keep you safe:

Tax time shredding at home

Take control and take action to keep it confidential now with these tips:

• Dispose of any documents no longer needed by shredding them

• Don’t leave confidential documents lying around

• Don’t dispose of documents with personal data carelessly, even if you tear them up a few times!

• Ensure you have a reliable paper shredder to hand, to securely shred documents with any personal data

• As a minimum, Fellowes recommends using a cross-cut shredder for enhanced security (DIN LEVEL 3-4)

Secure data by shredding Secure data by shredding

Choose your shredder now

Fellowes has a broad range of shredders from personal to large office and department shredders. Different features such as 100% Jam Proof and Silentshred™ mean that you benefit from a reliable and secure performance every time.

Whatever your requirements, from personal, home office, auto-feed (walk away) to heavy duty use, Fellowes has the shredder for you. Choose your safe, reliable and robust security companion here.

See why Fellowes Shredders has the World’s Toughest

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